Todos, incluidos los musulmanes, son probados.
- Allah Todopoderoso dice :
“(Allah ) Who created death and life that He may try you — which of you is best in deeds
(cap. 67: versículo 2)
En realidad, las tentaciones del mundo son una prueba común para todas las personas, la mayor cooperación de Dios depende de la intención de uno, pero primero hay que evitar la incitación o los temores mundanos.
- Allah Todopoderoso dice :
“Let not then this worldly life deceive you”
(cap. 35: versículo 5).
- Allah Todopoderoso dice :
“ And the life of this world is nothing but play and amusement. But far better is the house in the Hereafter for those who are pious “
“ And the life of this world is nothing but play and amusement. But far better is the house in the Hereafter for those who are pious “
(cap. 6: versículo 32)
Cada persona tiene un instinto innato de aceptación UN DIOS como dietético (la mayoría lo considera) que algunas personas pueden rechazar a medida que aprenden algo que los hizo actuar contra los instintos naturales
- Allah Todopoderoso dice : ”
And if you ask them who created them, they will surely say: 'Allah' ( the one )”
(Capítulo 43: versículo 87)
- Allah Todopoderoso dice : ”
And (remember) when your Lord brought forth from the Children of Adam, from their loins, their seed (or from Adam's loins his offspring) and made them testify concerning themselves (saying): 'Am I not your Lord?' They said: 'Yes”
And (remember) when your Lord brought forth from the Children of Adam, from their loins, their seed (or from Adam's loins his offspring) and made them testify concerning themselves (saying): 'Am I not your Lord?' They said: 'Yes”
(Capítulo 7: versículo 172)
Alguien nacido en una familia musulmana no se convierte en musulmán ( remitente ) automáticamente, sino que debe convertirse en musulmán por medio de hechos, presentando sus testamentos. Nacer en familia musulmana no ayuda
- Allah Todopoderoso dice : ”
The [desertian] Arabs said: "We believe.". Say to them : "you haven't believed [yet], but you [should] say: 'We have submitted', for the belief hasn't entered your hearts [yet]. And if you obey God and his messenger, he will belittle anything from your deeds, for God is oft-forgiving and most merciful”
The [desertian] Arabs said: "We believe.". Say to them : "you haven't believed [yet], but you [should] say: 'We have submitted', for the belief hasn't entered your hearts [yet]. And if you obey God and his messenger, he will belittle anything from your deeds, for God is oft-forgiving and most merciful”
(cap. 49: versículo 11)
- Allah Todopoderoso dice : “
O you who have believed, enter into Islam completely [and perfectly] and do not follow the footsteps of Satan. Indeed, he is to you a clear enemy
O you who have believed, enter into Islam completely [and perfectly] and do not follow the footsteps of Satan. Indeed, he is to you a clear enemy
(cap. 2: versículo 208)
No solo una declaración califica como musulmana, sino que la prueba real comienza cuando uno crece y se arroja al mundo
El Corán se niega a seguir ciegamente y fomenta la investigación y la reflexión.
- Allah Todopoderoso dice: ”
And they will say: "Our Lord! Surely we obeyed our chiefs ( customs) and our great ones, and they caused us to follow a misleading path”
(Capítulo 33, versículo 67)
- Allah Todopoderoso dice : ”
What, do they not ponder the Koran? Or is it that there are locks upon their hearts ?”
What, do they not ponder the Koran? Or is it that there are locks upon their hearts ?”
(Cap. 47: versículo 24)
Uno debe ser un buscador genuino
- Allah Todopoderoso dice : ”
As for those who strive in Us, We shall surely guide them in Our ways.”
(cap. 29: versículo 69).
Allah ha hecho provisiones de que su mensaje debe ir en cada oído. Animó a los creyentes a transmitir el mensaje de Allah SWT a otros.
- Allah Todopoderoso dice : “
personas to the way of your Lord with wisdom and good instruction, and argue with them in a way that is best. Indeed,”
to the way of your Lord with wisdom and good instruction, and argue with them in a way that is best. Indeed,”
(cap. 16: versículo 125)
El avance en el conocimiento de Dios o la verdad no depende de la inteligencia de la persona sino de la intención clara y el desinterés de la naturaleza veraz.
- Allah Todopoderoso dice : “
And Allah guided those who believed to the truth concerning that over which they had differed, by His permission. And Allah guides whom He wills to a straight path.” (
And Allah guided those who believed to the truth concerning that over which they had differed, by His permission. And Allah guides whom He wills to a straight path.” (
Cap. 2: versículo 213)
- Allah Todopoderoso dice : ”
and Allah guides not the people who are rebellious."
(Capítulo 61: versículo 5).
Incluso los musulmanes con malas intenciones o naturaleza malvada serán arrojados lejos de la guía
La persona debe ser imparcial, complaciente e inconcebible.
- Allah Todopoderoso dice : “
But as for one who is stingy, self-satisfied, and denies the Good, We will pave his way to difficulty ( in guidance ). One's wealth will be of no use when he [or she] plummets to the depths. Assuredly, guidance is up to Us”
But as for one who is stingy, self-satisfied, and denies the Good, We will pave his way to difficulty ( in guidance ). One's wealth will be of no use when he [or she] plummets to the depths. Assuredly, guidance is up to Us”
But as for one who is stingy, self-satisfied, and denies the Good, We will pave his way to difficulty ( in guidance ). One's wealth will be of no use when he [or she] plummets to the depths. Assuredly, guidance is up to Us”
(Ch 92: versículo 8-12)
Las personas son evaluadas de acuerdo con su capacidad mental, sin preguntas ni molestias para los locos o los niños o para una persona que no ha sido notificada, por lo que no debe preocuparse si no se arroja la pelota en su cancha,
- Allah Todopoderoso dice : ”
We (Allah ) do not impose on any self any more than it can bear. With Us is a Book that speaks the truth. They will not be wronged.”
We (Allah ) do not impose on any self any more than it can bear. With Us is a Book that speaks the truth. They will not be wronged.”
We (Allah ) do not impose on any self any more than it can bear. With Us is a Book that speaks the truth. They will not be wronged.”
(Capítulo 23: versículo 62).
- Allah Todopoderoso dice : “
Allah does not impose on any self more than it can bear. For it is what it has earned; against it is what it has brought upon itself”
Allah does not impose on any self more than it can bear. For it is what it has earned; against it is what it has brought upon itself”
Allah does not impose on any self more than it can bear. For it is what it has earned; against it is what it has brought upon itself”
(Ch2: versículo 286)
si Dawah (llamado islámico) ha venido, entonces eso es una prueba para la persona, cómo lidia con eso, cuando el profeta llamó a la gente de makkah, todos escucharon las mismas palabras, pero algunos que no estaban rodeados de deseos mundanos respondieron afirmativamente, y las personas de lujuria se opusieron Él
- Allah Todopoderoso dice : ”
Indeed, Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves.”
(cap. 13, versículo 11).
- Allah Todopoderoso dice : ”
Allah wronged them not, but they did wrong themselves, So that the evils of what they did smote them, and that which they used to mock surrounded them
” (cap. 16: versículo 33).
La persona que siente gratitud por el señor supremo y hacia las personas será elegida por Alá para recibir orientación.
La guía fluirá de Alá swt a un esclavo no por su inteligencia sino por su naturaleza reflexiva y agradecida.
- Allah Todopoderoso dice :
“ If you are thankless, yet Allah is Independent of you, though He is not pleased with thanklessness for His bondmen; and if you are thankful He is pleased with you
“ If you are thankless, yet Allah is Independent of you, though He is not pleased with thanklessness for His bondmen; and if you are thankful He is pleased with you
” (cap. 39: versículo 7)
Los seres humanos son más intelectuales que cualquier otra criatura, poder para decidir y elegir lo que quieran, así que Dios mantuvo la religión como la cuestión de elección, Dios nos probó comprar dándonos libre albedrío
- Allah Todopoderoso dice :
“ (o prophet ) Say: (It is) the truth from the Lord of you (all). Then whosoever will, let him believe, and whosoever will, let him disbelieve
“ (o prophet ) Say: (It is) the truth from the Lord of you (all). Then whosoever will, let him believe, and whosoever will, let him disbelieve
” (cap. 18: versículo 29).
- Allah Todopoderoso dice : ”
Whoso does right it is for his soul, and whoso does wrong it is against him. And your Lord is not at all a tyrant to His slaves”
Whoso does right it is for his soul, and whoso does wrong it is against him. And your Lord is not at all a tyrant to His slaves”
(Ch41: versículo 46)
- Allah Todopoderoso dice :
“ There should be no compulsion in religion”.
(Capítulo 2: versículo 256)
Dios se preocupó por la orientación de todas las personas, cuando las personas crecieron más en número, el medio de conciencia como Internet también creció en multitud, hoy vivimos en un momento en que la enseñanza del Corán se ha generalizado. Nadie culpa a Dios por no conocer los hechos.
Las personas que hicieron travesuras o actuaron ignorantes deliberadamente no serán guiadas más allá
- Allah Todopoderoso dice : ”
Who prefer to be blind here will be blind in the Hereafter too and further astray from the way ( of guidance )”
(Capítulo 17: versículo 72)
- Allah Todopoderoso dice : “
Allah has set a seal on their hearts and on their hearing, and on their eyes is a veil; great is the penalty they incur
Allah has set a seal on their hearts and on their hearing, and on their eyes is a veil; great is the penalty they incur
” (Ch2: versículo 7)